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 Bringing the SkillSeeder Logo and brand to life.

skillseeder logo design twofifths

When we were selected to redesign the original SkillSeeders logo, we suggested giving it a softer, more friendly appeal.

Our first thoughts were to look at the colours and typography, then we simplified the iconography, losing the leaf detail, which was frequently to small to notice, on smaller collateral.

 Developing the colour palette

skillseeder logo design twofifths

To soften the colour palette we changed the solid black to an earthy dark grey, introducing a second lighter green to create a gradient across the iconography.

We introduced a secondary colour palette to open up the range across the new brand we were developing.

skillseeder colour palette design twofifths

 Selecting a friendly timeless font.

The final choice was Museo Sans 700 | friendly, modern, contemporary, timeless.

skillseeder typography design twofifths

The final logo.

To soften the colour palette we changed the solid black to an earthy dark grey, introducing a second lighter green to create a gradient across the iconography.

We introduced a secondary colour palette to open up the range across the new brand we were developing.

 Growing the SkillSeeder brand style.

We took things right back to basics when creating the brand style, using organic shapes, to mirror the rural usage, to create and represent anything, and everything, from pottery making to painting, gardening to sheep shearing.

skillseeder brand design twofifths design
skillseeder brand design twofifths design
skillseeder brand design twofifths design

 Developing the application design.

skillseeder mobile app design twofifths design
skillseeder mobile app design twofifths design
skillseeder mobile app design twofifths design
skillseeder mobile app design twofifths design
skillseeder mobile app design twofifths design

Developing the website design.

Search SkillSeeder

Promoting the brand at networking events.

skillseeder Exhibition design twofifths design

If you’d like to speak to us about starting a project, just click below.